
April 1, 2012

Ballet and Women in Disguise

The History of Ballet

Ballet, where acrobatics meet dance and performance, has been practised worldwide since the earliest of times. However the origins of classical ballet can be traced back to the wedding of a prince. In 1581 Catherine de Medici, the French Queen, hired a group of performers to produce the first known ballet – The Comic Ballet of the Queen – for her son’s favorite friend’s wedding. Ballet became a favorite pastime for the French nobility, not only watching but also performing.

Women in disguise

During the early days, ballet was only performed by men, as were acting of any from on stage usually done by men. If a woman wanted to dance or to act on stage, she first had to disguise herself as a man, before she was allowed to perform. If a female role had to be performed, slender men or boys were dressed in ladies clothing, and wore wigs. Ballet dancer’s donned masks to portray their character further. The costumes were elaborate, and it is a wonder that the performers managed to dance in them at all. After that many more ballet schools were opened across the world. Ballet remains a popular form of art, and a popular sport. Many sportsmen and women use ballet in training for their actual sport. PelĂ© – a famous soccer player used ballet to warm up before matches. Many ice skating performers and gymnasts use ballet in both training and choreographing their sport.

What on earth is the Greenhouse Effect or Why Global Warming isn't happening

    Since carbon dioxide contributes to the greenhouse effect, if the greenhouse gas concentration was significantly lower, earth would be colder. If the concentration of greenhouse gas were much greater, the greenhouse effect would warm the earth up too much, causing problems with the ecological balance. This is what some environmentalists have termed global warming.

    Now despite the fact that you usually hear the terms “Global Warming” and “Greenhouse Effect” side by side, please realize that they are two completely different things. The greenhouse effect is a very beneficial physical process for us. Indeed, without it, life could not exist!
    Global Warming, however, is the result of too much Greenhouse effect. In other words, while the greenhouse effect is a good thing, Global Warming is too much of a good thing!
    If data seem to indicate that global warming is not happening, and if scientists agree that it has been much warmer in the past than it is now, why does the media seen to say that global warming is happening? There are a few possible reasons.

1.                  Most people who talk about the earth’s ecosystems really do not understand them very well. Thus, they tend to use their own personal experiences and attempt to relate those experiences to the earth as a whole. For example, a large ice sheet in the Antarctic Peninsula, the Larsen B ice shelf, has experienced a remarkable decline in size over the past few years. The problem is that the west Antarctic ice sheet has been thickening over the past few years. Thus, while the Antarctic Peninsula is getting warmer, the western part of the Antarctic is getting cooler. It turns out that Antarctica has actually been cooling since the 1960s. Does that mean global cooling is happening? Of course not! It just means that when you talk about global warming, you must consider the entire earth, not just one part of it.

2.      Another problem is that people who have a political agenda to push can often distort the facts in order to make their point more persuasive.

3.      Finally, to believe that global warming is occurring, you are forced to rely on the least reliable data and ignore the most reliable data. That is not good scientific practice. The best scientific conclusion to make, then, is that global warming is not happening, at least not in any significant way.
 (c) 2/4/12